Local Delivery

We are proud to now offer delivery of online orders of $50 or more to residents and businesses of the following communities: Fruitvale, Beaver Falls, Montrose, Waneta, Trail and Salmo on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Delivery Charges will be as follows:

  • Fruitvale - $10.00
  • Beaver Falls & Montrose - $12.00
  • Waneta, Trail, Warfield - $20.00
  • Salmo - $40.00


Canada-Wide Shipping

We now offer Canada-Wide shipping for all non-perishable food items we have in stock.

Shipping costs will be the responsibility of the customer and depend on what products you order and the weight of the items.

Please contact us at info@libertyfoods.ca for orders involving Canada-Wide shipping.